"How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."
- Trina Paulus
Our mission is to help others "fly." From our earnings, we give 10% of our commissions to the focus areas that we believe in at The Monarch Difference. Additionally, we sponsor community events and support other fundraising opportunities to not only give back to our communities, but to help raise awareness and life changing dollars for the focus area charities we support.
One gift at a time; one person at a time and even one animal at a time!
We believe we can make a difference.
Why the Monarch butterfly?
Well, clearly there's a connection to our name. But butterflies, in general, are known for one biological marvel in particular - their ability to metamorphose from caterpillars into beautiful, brightly colored, winged creatures. The striking monarch butterfly is tougher than it looks. This tiny flier undertakes an incredible 2,800 mile journey every winter in search of a few specific mountaintops in the fir forests of Central Mexico. Amazingly, the epic migration to and from the fir forests spans the life of three to four generations of butterfly, meaning no single individual ever makes the entire journey. Yet the species as a whole instinctively knows where to find these isolated mountaintops year after year.
These magnificent creatures not only represent the beauty of life, how precious and sacred it is, but how amazingly life evolves and the journey goes on.
Making a Difference
Giving back is the greatest opportunity to make our world a better place. The Monarch Difference supports organizations and programs in the below focus areas that continue a legacy of giving and create opportunities for long-term impact.
We are a registered 501(c)3 KY#0028931

Every child is a gift to the world. They deserve to know how special and unique they truly are.
Every quarter Team Monarch either volunteers or donates to a children's charity in the areas we serve.
Monarch also celebrates with their Mailbu Winter Wonderland.

Is a house even a home without a pet? We don't think so. We believe that our furry best friends deserve humane treatment. We believe in spay and neutering, whether you adopt or buy. We believe in supporting no-kill shelters. We believe that one person can make a difference!!